BSPD September 2012
The British Society of Paediatric Dentistry; Annual Scientific Meeting – September 2012
The 2012 BSPD Annual Scientific Meeting was held at the Sage Centre, Gateshead. A wonderful location for a scintillating meeting. This year saw the 60th Anniversary Diamond Celebration and the suitable theme was “Time to Sparkle”. The Scientific programme covered four themes over three days and included medical, dental and strategic aspects. This year also saw the first dedicated study day for Dental Care Professionals and this was well attended. The social programme was no less well received or attended, with the annual ‘Angel of the North’ Quiz and the 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner both a sell-out and extremely enjoyable.
R A Medical staff attended the Scientific Meeting and also enjoyed the social events. One of the main areas of sponsorship is the Clinical Case Presentation Prize which we have now supported since 2003. There were six final entrants for this year’s prize and the winner for 2012 was Collette Gardener with a presentation of “An unusual case of amelogenesis imperfecta with gingival hyperplasia”. The prize was presented at the Gala Dinner by Janet Pickles, Chairwoman of R A Medical (picture 1) seen here with Collette Gardener and Ben Cole BSPD President 2012-13. An opportunity was also taken at the Dinner to have a photograph taken of all past, present and future Presidents of the Society who were present on the evening. Janet and Chris Pickles were asked to participate in this memorial picture as a acknowledgment of help and support to the Society over the last 12 years and the honour is much appreciated by the Company (picture 2)
Looking forward, the 11th – 13th September 2013 Conference is to be held at the John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh and the theme will be “Evidence, Communication and the Dental Team – breaking down barriers”.