R A Medical Services have been awarded a 510K
Following an extensive 18 month application period, R A Medical Services have been awarded a 510K Manufacturing Licence by the Federal Drug Agency in the U.S.A. Allowing us to manufacture and export a particular medical product, termed a Miniscav™. A unit specifically developed in-house by ourselves, for use in medical and dental environments. Working in conjunction with an American agent ,who are currently developing product interest for a variety of medical areas such as orthopaedics, urology and obstetrics, the expectations for expansion are significant.
The Miniscav™ is used with equipment for giving inhalational pain control – a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide. An example of this type of delivery unit would be an MDM – still very similar to the unit manufactured by Cyprane in the 1960’s – 70’s in West Lane, Keighley. Although now made in the US, R A Medical are the sole Distributors for the UK.
R A Medical Services was formed as a historical reflection of Cyprane. Christopher Pickles, one of the Company’s founders, worked for Cyprane for many years and now, even though semi-retired, still advises the next generation of four sons and his wife Janet, who are responsible for the day to day operations, directing a growing team of mostly local staff. David, their eldest son (pictured with Janet and Chris) headed up the team responsible for the R & D of the Miniscav™.
From modest origins in February 1994, the Company has grown to international status, being the premier U.K. and Irish supplier and service provider for this niche area of medical equipment. The addition of this exporting opportunity, will ensure the Company continues to grow and thrive.
Not for nothing is Keighley still known as ‘The Anaesthetic Capital of the World’

Miniscav 510K